寺内 暖隼 / Atsuto Terauchi
植木屋 佐佳樹 代表 / Representative of Sakaki
1979年生まれ / Born in 1979
神奈川県川崎市出身 / Born in Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
神奈川県川崎市在住 / Live in Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
I worked mainly in planting management at landscaping companies in Kawasaki City and Setagaya Ward.
Since becoming independent, I have had many opportunities to climb large trees, and after learning about the new field of tree climbing, which is safer and more efficient than traditional methods, I have been actively participating in training sessions and exchanging information with my colleagues to improve my skills.
Currently, we are mainly contracted to prune preserved trees in Tokyo, as well as to perform special cutting that is difficult to perform for landscaping companies, enjoying the view from the trees while paying close attention to safety.
It is true what they say, “Tools may increase, but they never decrease”….
所有資格一覧 / List of Qualifications