塚田 竜 / Ryo Tsukada
空翠舎代表 / Representative of Kuusuisha
1977年生まれ / Born in 1977
茨城県下妻市出身 / Born in Shimotsuma-shi, Ibaraki
東京都清瀬市在住 / Live in Kiyose-shi, Tokyo
After graduating from high school, I studied abroad in England. I was greatly influenced by the culture of another country.
After returning to Japan, I worked as a cook and sportswriter before jumping into the world of gardener,
partly because of my love of climbing trees since childhood.
I was involved in a wide range of landscaping work and planting management for private residences, condominiums, temples and shrines, restaurants, etc.
at landscaping companies in Tokyo and Kanagawa, and became independent as “Kuusuisha” in 2015.
I always striving to make the most of each and every encounter, not being too conventional, but never forgetting his original intentions.
所有資格一覧 / List of Qualifications