小林 進郎 / Shinrou Kobayashi
合同会社コバ造 代表 / Representative of Kobazo LLC
1976年生まれ / Born in 1976
東京都福生市出身 / Born in Fussa-shi, Tokyo
東京都世田谷区在住 / Live in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
I became a backpacker at the age of 18 and traveled the world.
In this context, I had no interest in plants at all, but during my stay in Israel, I was impressed by cyclamen blooming in the wilderness.
At the age of 27, I entered the world of landscaping upon my marriage.
I felt a strange sense of joy when I was immersed in the work of weeding in the middle of summer, sweating profusely, and became completely absorbed in this world.
所有資格一覧 / List of Qualifications