増田 貴信 / Takanobu Masuda
トータルヤードサービス 代表 / Representative of Total Yard Service
1980年生まれ / Born in 1980
東京都世田谷区出身 / Born in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
東京都世田谷区在住 / Live in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
We are working mainly in Tokyo and neighboring prefectures in the Kanto region, receiving requests from landscaping companies and others to cut down tall trees in locations where cranes, elevating vehicles, etc. cannot enter, remove branches that have grown into neighboring properties, prune and maintain tall trees that are difficult for general landscaping companies, and cut down tall trees along railroad lines to maintain safe train transportation.
I am primarily responsible for groundwork (special equipment handling, lumber collection and removal).
We select the appropriate rigging equipment for each site, locate, install, and operate the equipment, and work quickly, safely, and efficiently on a daily basis.
所有資格一覧 / List of Qualifications